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Voluntary Prekindergarten Program


The Voluntary Prekindergarten Program (VPK) is a free program for children who reside in Florida and are 4 years old on or before September 1 of each year.


VPK is designed to prepare 4-year-olds for kindergarten and build the foundation for their educational success. VPK supports the development of early literacy, executive functioning, and social-emotional skills.


Parents have the option to enroll their child in one of the

following program types:


School Year Program

540 instructional hours

Class sizes not to exceed 20 students

Instructors must have a minimum of a Child Development Associate for the school year program (Now referred to as the Birth to Five Florida Child Care Professional Credential.)

A typical class begins in late August for 3-4 hours per weekday.


Summer Program

300 instructional hours

Class sizes not to exceed 12 students

Instructors must have a minimum of a Bachelor’s degree

A typical class begins the following June for 6-7 hours per weekday.

More About VPK

Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten launched its inaugural year in 2005-06. Funded by the Florida Legislature, VPK provides 540 hours of free pre-kindergarten services for children who are four years old on or before September 1st or parents could choose a shorter, more intense program in the summer of 300 hours.


The goal of the program is to provide quality Pre-kindergarten experiences for young children to assist them in becoming ready for kindergarten. Providers are key to the success of the VPK program.


Here are the items you will need and the information you can have ready.

  • Child's proof of age (i.e. original birth certificate, original shot record, or passport)

  • Proof of residency (i.e. current driver's license or utility bill)


  The child has to be 4 years of age by Sept. 1.


This is an easy process.  You can register online at the Pasco Hernando Early Learning Coalition.  You can fill out the application and scan the documents they ask for.  If you need help, you can go into the office, where they can help you scan the documents.  

The earlier you get this done, the better.  They will e-mail you a certificate to bring to us so we can add your child to the roster here at Pitter Patter. 



Our VPK Program

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